Olympic story

About the author

Joé Weimerskirch

My name is Joé Weimerskirch and I'm 27 years old. After studying Journalism at the University of Kent, I started working at the sports department of Tageblatt, a Luxembourgish daily newspaper, in 2020. While I specialize in handball-reporting, I'm passionate about covering all kinds of sports.



Photo 1: Michel Johann Théato – Courtesy of Luxembourg National Olympic Committee

Photo 2: Michel Johann Théato – Courtesy of Luxembourg National Olympic Committee

Photo 3: Michel Johann Théato – Courtesy of Luxembourg National Olympic Committee

Photo 4: Michel Johann Théato, document – Courtesy of Luxembourg National Olympic Committee

Photo 5: Michel Johann Théato – Courtesy of Luxembourg National Olympic Committee

Photo 6: Michel Johann Théato – Courtesy of Luxembourg National Olympic Committee

Photo 7: Michel Johann Théato – Courtesy of Luxembourg National Olympic Committee

Photo 8: Michel Johann Théato – Courtesy of Luxembourg National Olympic Committee

Photo 9: Joseph Alzin – Courtesy of Luxembourg National Olympic Committee

Photo 10: Joseph Alzin – Courtesy of Luxembourg National Olympic Committee

*Videoclip 1: Josy Barthel – IOC Platform, Sequence SEQ30299852 – Copyright notice: © 1952 / International Olympic Committee (IOC) – All rights reserved

*Photo 11: Josy Barthel – IOC Platform, Photo PHO10009419 – Copyright notice: © 1952 / International Olympic Committee (IOC) – All rights reserved

*Photo 12: Josy Barthel – IOC Platform, Photo PHO10009295 – Copyright notice: © 1952 / International Olympic Committee (IOC) – All rights reserved


*All Olympic Footage / Images / Audio available in this production is copyright of and reproduced only with the consent of the International Olympic Committee. All Olympic Logos / Poster available in this production is copyright of and reproduced only with the consent of the International Olympic Committee